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Month: March 2016

Studying win!

There are different types of learners, so there are different ways of studying that may benefit students. Visual learner? Create graphic organizers for the information. Auditory learner? Read the information out loud or create mnemonics. Kinesthetic learner? Move around while you study. There are so many possibilities!



GrammarFlip is a channel on YouTube that has some great videos on parts of speech. The students shared with me that part of what is tricky for them about adjectives involves when other parts of speech (such as nouns and pronouns) can be USED as adjectives. The following videos address some of this, and will hopefully be helpful to the students. These videos include information on: adjectives in general, demonstrative adjectives/pronouns, possessive adjectives/pronouns, nouns that function as adjectives, and proper adjectives.

Esperanza Rising

We just started our new class novel, Esperanza Rising! We will be dedicating our class time this week to reading and discussing the first few chapters. For this book, the students will have to take on more responsibility for reading and responding to the novel both in class AND out of class. We discussed, at length, the importance of them taking care of the book and any other materials pertaining to the book that they may  have to bring home for homework (for example, over this upcoming break). Thank you for your support in this as the sixth grade teaching team continues to encourage responsibility and accountability! If you get a chance, check this book out of your local library and read it for yourself — it could result in some great dinner-table conversations with your student!


Adjective Quiz: 3/29

It’s time for another grammar quiz! Though our current unit covers adjectives AND adverbs, I’m splitting them up to (hopefully) help alleviate any confusion for the students. The quiz is Tuesday, 3/29, but students should start studying a little bit each day, starting now!

Here is a link to a Word document that contains other links to help your student(s) study: AdjectiveLinks

One of the links in this document is to an online study guide created by the same company as our Grammar Handbook (so, spending time with this particular resource would be a GREAT idea)!

Tarea Google Voice en Español y Examencito

Mr. Spok “Hola Capitán Kirk, estoy en mi jardín, en el planeta Vulcano. ¿Qué?…..No te escucho…….. repite por favor, ¿cómo es Puerto Rico?

Our next Google Voice Spanish homework “tarea” will consist in a small reading about Puerto Rico. Atttached, its details.-TAREA 3 Google Voice

Also, the next quiz or “examencito” will be on Friday, March 18th about the household tasks. Attached, the vocab. list to study VERBOS AR, ER, IR


Sra. Rivera.

Missing assignments!

You may start seeing some of these slips come home throughout the rest of the trimester, for various subjects:


Unfortunately, some of our students are already missing assignments for the third trimester, and their grades are being affected! If you see one of these come home with your student, please have a conversation with them about turning in assignments and demonstrating responsibility. Though the missing assignments are considered late, they would still receive some sort of grade for turning it in (which is better than taking a zero)! Thanks for your support!

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