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Month: February 2016



REMINDER: Open House and conferences are this week!

Report card conferences — 3/3 and 3/4 (NO SCHOOL) – If you haven’t signed up for your required conference yet, do that ASAP. Paperwork for this was sent home over a week ago.

Report card Open House — 3/2 6-7:30pm – If you are not required to have a conference, this is your opportunity to pick up your student’s report card.

See you soon 🙂

How to study

As we continue in MYP, the bar is high and the expectation is for students to constantly improve themselves.  We want them to work hard and learn much.  Part of this will require that students know how to study and prepare for tests.

Parents often wonder how they can help their student study.  Here are just a few of the study techniques we recommend to students:

How to study

Have you tried any of these?  If not, try one out for any upcoming test!  Great study techniques!

Don’t be late for an important date!

Just a reminder that paperwork regarding report card Open House and conferences was sent home a week ago. If you need to sign up for a conference, please do that as soon as possible! Time slots are filling up. If you do not need to sign up for a conference, please remember that you can come to our Open House on Wednesday, 3/2, from 6pm-7:30pm to pick up your child’s report card and see some of the things they are working on. This will be your only time to pick up the report cards. Hope to see you all next week!


The Phantom Tollbooth

Milo has certainly grown as a character throughout his journey in The Phantom Tollbooth! We did character selfies for Milo at the beginning of the book, and are now working on them for the end.


As we are now done reading the novel, we are starting on our Phantom Tollbooth debate projects! The students were introduced to their three options for the projects today in class, and got time to start working on them. Below is a link to the document the students were given that describes each option and provides a rubric for each project so they know exactly how they will be  graded. Projects are due on Monday, 3/7, at the end of their class period. They will be getting additional time to work on them throughout next week and all class period that Monday. I’ve told them in class (You can remind them at home, too!) that the due date is not changing, so they need to use their time wisely! In addition to class time, they’re always welcome to sign up for the study halls we host Monday-Thursday. They will be using their projects to support their claim in the Phantom Tollbooth debate we will have after completion. It should be fun to see these kids defend their stance!


Math Mania!

As many of you are aware, I was out of town towards the end of last week attending a math conference.  What an amazing opportunity!  I learned so many wonderful things and I am proud to say that our kiddos will receive the benefit of that learning!

This week in our class we have been working with lots of data and charts and graphs!  It has been exciting to see the kids working with this data and also hearing them have such rich math conversations.  One of our activities was for students to create tables based on a graph that they had been given.  Students worked in groups to create the graph and then answer some very rich questions.

Once we were done with that step students were asked to provide feedback to their classmates.  Students rotated between charts and provided one strength and one area of growth based on what they saw on the poster.



It was such a fun time and so rewarding to hear their conversations and their understanding.  I cannot wait to see where we go from here.

Conferences and Open House

Hello Students and Families!

On Friday letters were sent home with the students concerning report card conferences or an end-of-term open house. If you haven’t gotten the letter yet, please ask your student about it! Please read your letter carefully and follow any instructions on it. We look forward to seeing you at conferences or at our open house!

Verb Videos

These videos will help you with verbs, and possibly give you a good laugh, too :-). If the video won’t play correctly via the blog, right-click on the video, select “copy video URL”, paste it into another tab and hit “enter”. This should take you to the YouTube website where you can watch it.




Keep Calm and Study Verbs

Time to get your studying on!

We’ve been doing a lot of review in class in preparation for the test on Wednesday. In addition, your student should be doing some serious studying at home. They have their Grammar Handbook, ELA notebook, and practice sheets to help them. But wait, there’s more!  Here are some helpful links for your students while they study at home:


Happy Valentines Day!


This past week the students expressed their love for the school and here are a few reasons why “Sixth Grade Loves York Academy…”

“I love York Academy because of the cool science experiments!”

“I love that we are an International Baccalaureate school!”

I love York Academy because we get to be independent in classroom activities!”

Verb review!


Our verb test will be next Wednesday, 2/16. As such, we’ve started review activities in the classroom! Yesterday the students participated in verb stations to help them get extra practice with action verbs (transitive and intransitive), helping verbs, being verbs, and linking verbs. They were involved with action verb charades, verb riddles (deciphering each type of verb), verb QR code cubes (writing prompts for using and identifying each type of verb), and helping verb task cards (discerning a helping verb from a main verb). Check it out!


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