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Author: iriveraorozco

Uso del verbo ir (to go) en presente y los adjetivos demostrativos.


As we continue to get introduced to more cultural aspects from Guatemala and shopping scenarios, using statements with the verb to go “ir” in present tense and demonstrative adjectives were the focal grammar themes during this week in the Spanish class. Attached a couple of videos where these themes can be reviewed. —>

Buen fin de semana.

Feliz 5 de mayo.

5 de mayo

Today, the historic origins and celebration of the ¨5 de mayo¨ were introduced to our students as part of appreciating traditions and cultures adopted in the U.S.A. from Mexico, also from  the “Chicano” community  in the U.S.A.  –>

5 de mayo presentación

Podemos contar más de 100-We can count more than 100!

Numeros mayas foto

During the week in the Spanish class we focused in practicing the shopping vocabulary, reviewing learned numbers from 0 to 100, learning numbers bigger than 100 up to millions and engaging basic conversations in Spanish about shopping. Attached the numbers vocabulary listing and videos that will help our students to review and practice at home —> Número del 1 al …….


Our next quiz is this Monday, May 2 about the shopping vocabulary from pages 2, 3, 4. Attached the study guide. LA ROPA UNIDAD 3


Mrs. Rivera.





We started a new unit during the week in the Spanish class, featuring Guatemala. The main theme: “las compras/shopping”.

Attached the vocabulary list we will focus along the unit.VOCABULARIO UNIDAD 3- GUATEMALA. Also, in this unit we will have the opportunity:

-to explore Guatemala’s culture and geography.

-to practice the learned numbers in Spanish  from past units (0 to 100) and to learn new ones (100s to million) in order to use when shopping in Spanish.

-to talk about shopping ->  by expressing likes and dislikes.

-to use time schedules learned from past units.

-to describe and compare clothing, footwear and stores’ location.

-to speak when shopping (including sell/ buy/negotiate sales).

Hasta pronto, Señora Rivera.GUATEMALA1


Expresando obligación-Expressing obligation



After having learned how to conjugate regular verbs in present tense to express the chores we do at home, now we are concluding our second unit with phrases to express obligation (to have/tener que + infinitivo, hay que + infinitivo), adverbs of frequency and some more cultural aspects from Puerto Rico.

As follows, a couple of videos that will help you to review these themes (tener que+infinitivo) and (hay que + infinitivo).

Also, attached an additional chart we learned today at class–>Expresar OBLIGACION

Our next quiz will be on Friday, april 8th. about expressing obligation using the verb to have (tener que y hay que) and adverbs of frequency.



Sra. Rivera.



Next Spanish Test is Tomorrow and Google Voice homework 5!


Just a friendly reminder about the Spanish test and the Spanish Google Voice 5 homework. Study guide and material from the previous post (regular verbs in present tense).

Attached a video that will help you to review the conjugation of the regular verbs in present tense.

Also, attached Google Voice homework 5 instructions.  TAREA 5


Sra. Rivera.

Next Spanish Test -> Friday , April 1st.


Our next test will be on Friday, April 1st. about the regular verbs (-ar, -er, and -ir) in present tense.

Attached a couple of videos about conjugation in present tense of verbs -ar, -er, and -ir. Videos de Conjugación en presente de verbos

Also, the list of verbs to study and the conjugation charts.



VERBOS REGULARES -er and -ir conjugation CHART


Sra. Rivera.


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