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Bathroom Passes

Bathroom passes from the first part of the school year were looking mighty tired, and many of them had been lost. As such, we created new bathroom passes for the students and gave them out last week. The passes are hole-punched so the students can easily keep them in their binders. As you know, we really emphasize responsibility and respect with our sixth graders, and these new passes reflect that. The rules shown on the pass below are:

1. This is your only pass. You lose it — you’re out. (This means the students need to make sure they are keeping track of the pass, because if they do not have it they will not be permitted to leave a class to go the bathroom.)

2. Don’t ask to use this when I am teaching. (Unfortunately, some students felt it was okay to interrupt instruction to ask to go to the bathroom. This rule clarifies that that is not a good time to do so.)

3. If you are late to class you may not use it. (Students sometimes get caught up in socializing in the halls, and are late to class. As such, they have already missed instructional time, and missing any more wouldn’t be good.)

4. Keep it with you at all times. (This emphasizes responsibility for taking care of items they have in their possession.)

Our overall goal is that students are present for as much instructional time as possible to help with their understanding of subjects and to make sure they do not fall behind. This is the reason they only get one pass to use during classes. However, there are several other times throughout the day that they have access to the bathrooms without needing a pass:

1. Home room in the morning

2. Home room in the afternoon

3. Locker changes

4. Lunch/recess

5. Specials

Please let us know if you have any questions. We know our students are capable of demonstrating time management, responsibility, and respect through the appropriate use of these passes!


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